Deep Gold-(SOLD to France)

2006 Palomino Mare (El Dorado x Knee Deep)
Deep Gold-(SOLD to France)
SHN Payback

This gorgeous mare is one of only a handful of palomino Anglo Arabians registered in the United States. 15.2H. Sweepstakes and SHN Payback nominated.  USEF Lifetime recorded. Excellent potential for dressage and is started over fences.  Her purebred Arabian dam is also approved Trakehner.

Her half brother (same sire) is National Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle (SHUS) Junior Horse, Top Ten SHUS Open (of 58) and Top Ten Green Working Hunter. He has since sold to Dubai, UAE.

Her other half brother (same dam) is 2013 National Champion SHIH yearling.

Congratulations to Alexandra Guimet of France on her purchase of Deep Gold!


Available for Purchase.


Deep Gold
RFF El Dorado Glitter Please Jack Sprat
Lucky Two Bits
Talk of Gold Milkie
Lady Chatwood
Knee Deep Tikisflaming Jet +/ Tiki Sahiber Ku
Flaming Emotion
Silko Fever FF Silko
HH Gwatunaborra


Birth Year: 2006
Sire: RFF El Dorado
Dam: Knee Deep
Height: 15.2H
Rare Bend Or spots

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